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Online Testing

SkillsUSA’s Online Testing System is a secured testing platform designed to assess a competitor’s knowledge around competency areas within their Career Competition Event. For the National Leadership & Skills Conference, this system will be utilized to administer the national SkillsUSA Professional Development Test. Please read the testing agreement prior to beginning your test: National competitor online testing window is May 23 – June 9. All required online tests must be completed by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, June 9, to be scored.

The SkillsUSA Professional Development Test is 2.5% of the competitor's total overall score. For leadership and occupationally related competitions, the Professional Development test may be selected as a knowledge exam. If selected as a competition’s knowledge exam, the number of points allowed will not exceed 15% of the total possible points and will be determined by the technical committee. 

What is the SkillsUSA Professional Development Test?

  1. All testing must be completed by the competitor without any external aid under the direct supervision of a qualified proctor.* (external aid includes, but is not limited to: other students, advisors, parents, industry experts, text books, search engines, web pages, or any other external source of knowledge)​

  2. Competitors must remain on the testing window at all times. Opening any other tab or window during the testing process will automatically submit your test on suspicion of cheating. 

  3. There are multiple forms of each test. Please note that questions and answers will not appear in the same order for each competitor. 

SkillsUSA Online Testing Proctor Policy

All online Professional Development and Competition Testing must be proctored for the National Leadership & Skills Conference. To access the online test, each competitor (including individual members of a team event) must complete the digital proctor and security agreement form online. Please review the competitor and proctor requirements listed below:

Competitor Requirements

Proctor Requirements

  1. A qualified proctor is defined as any willing adult who is not the competitor's SkillsUSA advisor and who has no familial relation to the competitor.

  2. The proctor must be present for the duration of the student's test. 

  3. The proctor must not provide any external aid to the contestant and has a duty to prevent the student from accessing any external aid or sharing any SkillsUSA testing content with anyone, including their SkillsUSA advisor.

National competitor online testing window is May 23 – June 9. All required online tests must be completed by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, June 9, to be scored.

SkillsUSA Online Testing Security Agreement

Competitors and proctors must complete the below digital form to access their online test. Competitors should complete the competitor (red) section and proctors should complete the proctor (blue) section. The test will not be able to be completed without submitting this form.

Form will begin accepting submissions May 23.

I, the competitor, agree to the following:
I, the proctor, agree to the following:
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